This weekend I took a trip out to the Peak District, the main reason for this was so a friend and I could try out the new
Cotic Rocket since we're both cotic bfe owners it was good to meet the guys behind the brand, Cy and Paul, and ride their new bike while sampling some of their trails.
The demo trail was a short loop right next to cotic headquarters, a fairly mellow pedal uphill let us wake up the legs and see how the bike pedalled before being directed down a short, loose and slippy singletrack that tested the bikes suspension and a little of our skill. One more pedal uphill and one more final down led us back to the warehouse and the end of the loop. We actually did this loop twice as we had booked on two of the demo rides, this allowed us to try out both small and medium Rockets to see what frame size felt better. I'm still unsure on what size felt best for me but I very much enjoyed riding this bike, the smaller of the two just wanted to play, it was very poppy and maneuverable and a blast to ride. Thanks to Cy and Paul for such a great day and making such fun frames.
We also visited the very nice chaps at
18bikes who gave us some ideas of where to head the next day and gave us inspiration for the photo below (as well as a tasty creme egg). We roughed it in the van that night so we could be up early to hit the trails the following morning, good thing we did too as the car park got very full very quickly. (
note: you're only allowed to spend one overnighter in a vehicle in this area, as told to us by the local ranger for the area).

After a bacon and egg butty we headed up Stanage Edge to find the descent we have been shown. This was only a short two mile route but the down was great fun, we then headed off to Ladybower Reservoir as it looked like there was some fun trails in that area. We had an idea of a route from some map scanning and while out we were told of some fun down's we could also do. It was about a 12 mile route in total and really good fun, technical but not impossible climbs with some great downs worthy of the good ol' lakes. Had a mint time in the Peaks and will definitely visit again as there is still so much more to discover.